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Carpintero negro (Campephilus magellanicus) / Black carpenter

Esta ave, característica de los bosques templados y subantárticos de Chile y Argentina, es el más grande de los carpinteros de América. Se caracteriza por presentar un marcado dimorfismo sexual Ambos sexos presentan un penacho de plumas característico en su cabeza.

The black carpenter, characteristic of the temperate and subantarctic forests of Chile and Argentina, is the largest of the American woodpeckers. It is characterized by having a marked sexual dimorphism. Both sexes have a characteristic crest of feathers on their head.

Se alimentan de larvas, gusanos y otros insectos, los que son capturados utilizando su pico, con el cual golpetean los troncos en busca de alimento. Anidan en cavidades que construyen en los troncos de los árboles, y es residente de bosques maduros, siendo su presencia una señal del estado de salud de los bosques.

They feed on larvae, worms and other insects, which are captured using their beak, with which they beat the trunks in search of food. They nest in cavities that they build in the trunks of trees, and it is a resident of mature forests, its presence being a sign of the state of health of the forests.

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